Learning Support Systems

Our high-quality support services include:

  • free tutoring,
  • personal counseling,
  • academic, financial aid, and transfer advisement,
  • college-survival workshops,
  • mentoring, and more!

We provide a full compliment of support services to strengthen academic skills, and our staff is committed to helping students to succeed.

Transfer, career, and non-matriculated students utilize the services of the Department each year. Any student who is currently enrolled at Monroe Community College is eligible to receive free tutorials upon request. Students must meet eligibility requirements to additional services mentioned. Please refer to each component's web site for specific details.

Learning Support Systems is comprised of the following components:

Brighton Campus

  • Tutoring and Academic Assistance Center
    Building 11, Room 106
    (585) 292-3396
  • TRIO Student Support Services
    Building 11, Room 106
    (585) 292-3198

Downtown Campus

  • Tutoring and Academic Assistance Center
    4th Floor Learning Commons
    (585) 685-6005 (Option 2) or (585) 292-3198

Learning Support Systems Staff

NamePhone #Email
Alicchio, Brianna , Director585-292-3192
Sullivan, Valerian R., Secretary585-292-3198
Revello, Sara D., Coordinator585-292-3190
MacDonald, Martha K., Senior Technical Assistant585-292-3396
Bauer, Ann M.585-685-6202
Baxter, Bryce
Baxter, Lisa M.
Blyth, Ian C.
Brownell-Stahl, Elizabeth A.
Burns, April
Carter, Alexis G.
Childs, William M.
Cimmerer, Carleigh
Cook, Thaddeus M.
Coppola, Diana M.
Danner, Mercy
Deisenroth, Kadin
Ely, James
Garlock, Alexandra C.
Gerrard, Ronald
Henretta, Johanna A.
Hill, Alyssa
Hooker, Corinne E.
Iannone, Michele
Jagana, Mahamadou
Kahn, Joshua
Kanelba, Mark
Keeton, Jamey D.
Khan, Bakhawal
Kimball, Michelle L.
Landon, Mark A.
Layman, Mary E.
Lincoln, Kyle P.
Logan, Carly
Lopes, Coeli
Maiorani, Emidio
Maldonado, Lemuel
Mang, Melissa A.
Martin, Sara
Mathewson, Jason C.
Mazuchowski, Jessica M.
Mazur, Nicholas
Mead, Karen J.
Ongoiba, Andriana L.
Periard, Sarah A.
Pfund, Adam M.
Pickert, Hannah
Priore-Garlock, Carmel
Procopio, Jeffrey
Reifenstein, Michael
Richards, Courtney Y.
Robinson, Glenn W.
Roch, Jessica M.
Rucker, Katherine J
Samarakody, Kennedy
Santangelo, Morgan
Sherman, Zachery
Singh, Prabhjot
Tigers Rogers, Sara
Tucci, Michael
Vandervoort, Sean
Witt, Brian K.
Young, Melissa E.

TRIO Student Support Services Staff

NamePhone #Email
Gahi, Hanan Z., Program Director585-292-3261
Akkilic, Aysel 585-292-3179
Hnshal, Entesar
Miller, Charlene A.
Perry, Sherna A.585-685-6143
Scheuermann, Karen M.585-292-2346
Vargas, Kylie